Donkey A :- My Owner Beats me a Lot.
Donkey B :- Why Don't you run away ?
Donkey A :- I wanted to.... But my future is really bright here...
Donkey B :- How ?
Donkey A :- When ever my owner's beautiful daughter comits a mischief, my owner warn's her by saying,
"I'll Marry you with donkey if you repeate any mischief....!"
That's why i'm still here........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donkey B :- Why Don't you run away ?
Donkey A :- I wanted to.... But my future is really bright here...
Donkey B :- How ?
Donkey A :- When ever my owner's beautiful daughter comits a mischief, my owner warn's her by saying,
"I'll Marry you with donkey if you repeate any mischief....!"
That's why i'm still here........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!