Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Keeping Hopes may not improve your future, but it will certainly reduce the pain of Today !!

Donkey A :- My Owner Beats me a Lot.
Donkey B :- Why Don't you run away ?
Donkey A :- I wanted to.... But my future is really bright here...
Donkey B :- How ?
Donkey A :- When ever my owner's beautiful daughter comits a mischief, my owner warn's her by saying,
"I'll Marry you with donkey if you repeate any mischief....!"
That's why i'm still here........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This is a prayer of JeevanVidya Mission started by Shri Wamanrao Pai. I heard this prayer few times now when one of our neighbours had organized a satsang program.

I am not a follower of any of such Guru like Shri Wamanrao Pai, however, I liked this prayer since it is universal. The tune is also very catchy.

This one was clicked while we were taking a boat ride in periyar wild life sanctury.